Slow Roasted Pork – Oven Roasted

Slow Roasted Pork Shoulder

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Slow Roasted Pork - Oven Roasted
This slow roasted pork is super delicious and juicy. It nearly falls apart on its own and melts on the tongue like butter. The preparation is super easy and doesn't need much effort. Only the cooking takes a while.
Slow Roasted Pork Shoulder
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 16 hours
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Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 16 hours
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Slow Roasted Pork Shoulder
  1. Preheat the oven to 90°C
  2. Next, massage the seasonings into the meat and place it on a baking tray
    Pork Breast And Shoulder
  3. Put chillies and coconut oil on the baking tray and cover it up with tin foil
    Pork Covered With Tin Foil
  4. Now, let the pork cook in the oven for 12 hours
    Tin Foil Covered Tray In Oven
  5. Then, take it out and remove the tin foil
    12 Hours Cooked Pork
  6. Set the oven to 120°C and put the meat back in for another 4 hours
  7. Pour the juice and grease from the baking tray over the meat every 45 minutes
  8. It is done, when the tray is covered with about 3-5 millimeter of the leftover juices. If necessary, take the meat out earlier, so it won't dry out
    16 Hours Slow Roasted Pork
Recipe Notes

You don't necessarily need to use dried chillies. Garlic or onions work as well and of course you may use other seasonings like paprika or ginger.

Beginner Tip: When you buy the meat, try to get the pieces with the most fat, because they don't dry out that fast.

There is no Nutrition Label for this recipe yet.
Slow Roasted Pork With Vegetables
Slow Roasted Pork With Vegetables

Cheese Leeks Soup – With Ground Beef

Cheese Leeks Soup With Ground Beef

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Cheese Leeks Soup - With Ground Beef
This cheese leeks soup is super satiating, contains a lot of fat and suits perfectly for a low carb high fat diet. The preparation takes about 45 minutes and you get a lot of soup out of it.
Cheese Leeks Soup With Ground Beef
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
big pot
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Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
big pot
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Cheese Leeks Soup With Ground Beef
  1. Fry ground beef with your preferred fat in a big pot on medium heat
  2. When it becomes crispy, add the butte and onions, stir everything and fry for about 5 minutes
  3. Then, add the garlic and fry everything for 5 more minutes
  4. Now, add the leeks & water, put the lid on and let it cook for 15 minutes
  5. After that, the remaining ingredients -including seasonings- go into the pot
  6. Finally, stir everything and let the soup cook about 15-20 minutes, without the lid
Recipe Notes

Basically, you can use as much cheese as you like, take less water or let the soup cook a while longer to make it as thick and creamy as you desire.

There is no Nutrition Label for this recipe yet.

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Sauerkraut With Pork And Mettwurst

Sauerkraut, Mettwurst And Pork

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Sauerkraut With Pork And Mettwurst
This delicious sauerkraut recipe is simple to prepare. All it needs is basically throwing all the ingredients into the pot and give them some cooking time. Also, I discovered that a pinch of cinnamon improves the taste.
Sauerkraut, Mettwurst And Pork
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 hours
big pot
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Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 hours
big pot
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Sauerkraut, Mettwurst And Pork
  1. Put the fatback into a big pot and set the plate to low-mid heat
  2. Meanwhile, cut the onions into rough pieces
  3. When the fatback pieces start to become crispy and their fat covers the bottom of the pot, put the pork belly in, turn to mid-high heat and sear it on the skin side
  4. Flip the pork belly, add the kassler and sear it on the skin side, too
  5. Now, throw in the sausages and onion pieces
    Pork belly, kassler, mettwurst and onions
  6. Fry everything about 5 minutes at medium heat
  7. Then, add the sauerkraut and all remaining ingredients, including the seasonings
  8. And finally, let it cook for about 5 hours at low heat with the lid on
  9. Stir occasionally and if necessary, add some water
Recipe Notes

It is perfect, when the meat seperates from the bone by itself.

Kassler  is the name of a cured and smoked cut of pork. Its roots are in the German cuisine. Pork necks and loins are the most commonly used cuts, although ribs, shoulders and bellies can also be used. In addition, kassler is often served with sauerkraut.

There is no Nutrition Label for this recipe yet.
Main ingredients for sauerkraut
Main ingredients for sauerkraut